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dynamic biomarkers
for the brain

Ultrasound Localization Microscopy map of a mouse brain showing single microbubbles traveling from an arteriole to a venule through a capillary. The time the microbubble spends in the capillary provides valuable information on nutrient exchange between the cardiovascular system and the brain.

Vous voulez en savoir plus ? Lisez l’article complet de Stephen Lee et al. here !

Cardiovascular diseases can accelerate brain aging and deterioration of neural structures. There is thus a need for dynamic biomarkers that can better noninvasively inform on brain health. In addition to neuronal cells, the brain is a highly perfused organ, with arteries and veins acting like the highway system for neuronal regulation and homeostasis. We can use Ultrasound Localization Microscopy (ULM) to generate new ways to see the brain by imaging neurovascular biomarkers. We are currently developing super-resolved ultrasound methodology to recover pulsatile flow in the microvasculature and image single capillary vessels deep within the brain. Uncovering the spatial and temporal dynamics of such imaging biomarkers transcranially will generate new insights on how our brain works in neurodegenerative conditions.

Chloé presents her thesis topic during the "Ma Thèse en 180 secondes" contest organized by Polytechnique Montréal:

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