This month of May saw the arrival of 4 new elements in the laboratory!

Following an engineering degree in signal processing obtained at INSA (Rennes, France), a Ph.D in biomedical engineering from the University of Montreal (Montreal, QC, Canada) and a first Postdoctoral fellowship at the Physics laboratory for Medicine (PhysMed Paris, Paris), Jonathan joined the laboratory to lead the ultrasound localization microscopy project for myocardial angiography (MULA).
Following his second year in the biomedical engineering bachelor's program at Polytechnique Montréal, Samuel joins the team for a summer internship.

Graduate from Centrale Supélec (France), Léo vient réaliser son stage de fin d’étude de 6 mois au laboratoire, où il travaille sur une approche basé sur les données à la microscopie de localisation ultrasonore. Plus particulièrement, il explore les méthodes d’apprentissage supervisé basées sur des réseaux de neurones, à partir des outils de simulation ultrasonore du laboratoire.
Arthur, an engineering student at ESPCI (France), comes at the laboratory to achieve a 3-month internship, where he will use his knowledge of imaging to address the problem of ultrasound aberrations.

Welcome to all!