Hatim, Brice and Chloé will present their work at the Virtual Scientific Days, organized by the Quebec Bio-Imaging Network (RBIQ), which will be held from March 9 to 11, 2021.
And if you are interested, registrations are free and can be done at the following link: https://event.fourwaves.com/fr/rbiq-qbin/inscription (and you can then access the summaries). The flash presentations will be followed by a poster session, where spectators can navigate from room to room to meet the presenters and discuss their work. Hatim, Brice and Chloé will all present on March 9 in the "Methodological Advances" session, do not hesitate to come and see them!
– « Microscopie de Localisation Ultrasonore Dynamique (DULM) », Chloé Bourquin, Jonathan Porée, Frédéric Lesage, Jean Provost
– « Anatomically-Realistic Simulation Framework for Ultrasound Localization Microscopy », Hatim Belgharbi, Jonathan Porée, Rafat Damseh, Léo Milecki, Patrick Delafontaine-Martel, Frédéric Lesage, Jean Provost
– « Apprentissage profond pour la microscopie de localisation ultrasonore en 3D », Brice Rauby, Jonathan Porée, Hatim Belgharbi, Chloé Bourquin, Maxime Gasse, Jean Provost