A few months after the IEEE IUS 2020 conference, Hatim, Brice and Chloé will present their work at the "Imagine Imaging" conference, organized by the Sherbrooke Molecular Imaging Center, to be held from December 9 to 10.
Our laboratory presentations abstracts are available at the following link: https://fourwaves-sots.s3.amazonaws.com/static/media/attached/2000/Symposium_ImgImg_2020_ProgrammeLong_fr_2.pdf
And if you are interested, registrations are free and can be done at the following link: https://www.fourwav.es/view/2000/registration/ Hatim, Brice and Chloé will all be performing on December 10th, don't hesitate to come and see them!
– 10h50 : « Microscopie de Localisation Ultrasonore Dynamique (DULM) », Chloé Bourquin, Jonathan Porée, Frédéric Lesage, Jean Provost
– 12h50 : « Anatomically-Realistic Simulation Framework for Ultrasound Localization Microscopy », Hatim Belgharbi, Jonathan Porée, Rafat Damseh, Léo Milecki, Patrick Delafontaine-Martel, Frédéric Lesage, Jean Provost
– 12h50 : « Sous échantillonnage temporel en apprentissage profond pour la microscopie de localisation ultrasonore », Brice Rauby, Jonathan Porée, Hatim Belgharbi, Chloé Bourquin, Jean Provost